Pangloss was a great person, with a kind heart, and a positive thinker.
- Pangloss was very optimistic.
- He was a philosopher as well.
- Pangloss taught Candide when he was young.
- Candide, the main character, always keeps his heart and mind open.
- Candide takes what Pangloss says to heart and remembers it for later reference.
- Candide was continually optimistic, even though his life was hard.
Pangloss made great points about life throughout his travels. - Pangloss said that everything that happens is the best it could be.
- Believed God made everything that happens happen in the best way it can be.
- Pangloss believed that optimism was key.
Martin was an irksome person, who had a negative yet more realistic outlook on life. - Martin was a pessimist.
- He created a negative atmosphere.
- Martin was bluntly realistic compared to Pangloss.
- He talked about rising above all the evil of the world to get to God.
- His pessimism irked Candide during their travels together.
- Martin keeps trying to dissolve Candide's hope of ever finding and marrying Cunegonde.
However, Candide never gives up hope, and in the end through all the problems he's faced, he still manages to marry Cunegonde and live happily with her
This is not a formal outline. Look at some examples by classmates.